Borough of

The City of Montreal is considering the removal of certain parking spaces to create new bike paths. We want to understand how these changes may impact you personally or your business. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us.

Are you providing feedback as:

5 + 3 =

We need your help!

We are on the verge of filing an injunction on the City of Montreal to stop their planned bike path and have a proper consultation. We plan to use the time of the injunction to collect 15,000 signatures per borough and halt any bike paths that may not have started or don’t have a call for tender yet.

We have raised $17,000 and have a matching donation campaign up to $4,000!
If you give $10, the pledgee will also donate $10. They want to see that the community is also doing their part.

Coalition Démocratie Montréal is a registered non-profit representing the fundamental principles of democracy and citizen participation. Our mission is to uphold democratic processes and ensure citizens’ rights. We stand for the fundamental principles of democracy and citizen participation. Our mission is to uphold democratic processes and ensure that the rights of citizens are respected and protected. We believe in the power of collective action to bring about positive change in our communities.

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